About Essex bus services

Discover buses in Essex.

In this section you will find information about bus services in Essex. Those that are near you right now, or ones you may need to board for an upcoming journey. We also have a live bus map and further information ahead of yours, or somebody's elses, next journey.

Travel Essex Journey Planner App

Find bus options near me

Enter a location, postcode or bus number to find nearby bus stops and routes.

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Plan a journey

The TravelEssex app helps people in Essex to plan their journeys and travel by foot, bike, bus and train anywhere in the county.

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Travel Essex Journey Planner App

Live bus map

Want to watch the buses move around Essex?

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Transport provider directory

Web and Twitter details for Transport Providers in Essex.

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Getting around in Essex strategy

Read Essex County Council's strategy for prioritsing buses in Essex.

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Consultations and supported services

Essex County Council actively consults before making a change to one of its subsidised bus routes.

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School transport in Essex

Essex County Council provides school transport for some children of compulsory school age who meet the qualifying criteria.

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Image of the Travel Essex Journey Planner App

Journey planning made simple

Search for public transport travel options throughout Essex, including walking, cycling, train, bus and DigiGo.